Sequella Home Page

Quick Facts

Tuberculosis is the leading single-agent infectious disease killer in the world.

Scientific Advisory Board

Michael P. Doyle, Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Dr. Doyle is a Professor of Chemistry, former Chairman of the American Chemical Society, and an expert in the design and development of chiral catalysts for stabilizing chiral drugs. He has numerous awards from a variety of national and international groups and has served and is serving on numerous editorial boards for the top chemistry journals. He works closely with Sequella chemists on processes for synthesis of difficult compounds in our chemical library.

Michael Dudley, Pharm.D., FCCP, San Diego, CA

Dr. Dudley is Senior VP Research and Development and Chief Scientific Officer, Mpex Pharmaceuticals, and has extensive experience in anti-infective drug evaluation research in the pharmaceutical industry and in the academic/clinical settings. Prior to joining Mpex in the fall of 2005, he was VP Preclinical and Clinical Sciences at Diversa Corporation, and prior to that served as VP Pharmacology and Microbiology at Essential Therapeutics/Microcide Pharmaceuticals. Prior to moving to industry in 1997, he conducted research and clinical practice in infectious diseases, including clinical (Phases 1-IV) and pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of several classes of antibacterial and antiviral agents at the University of Rhode Island and Brown University School of Medicine. Dr. Dudley earned his doctorate from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) School of Pharmacy, and completed postdoctoral training at UCSF and Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT.

John Lonsdale, Ph.D., Exton, PA

Dr. Lonsdale was a Senior Scientist, Assistant Director, and finally Director (1995-2002) of Antimicrobials and Host Defense Center of Excellence in Drug Discovery at Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) in the US He was the Principal Investigator on a $3 million Challenge and Drug Discovery grant from the NIH to create anti-TB drugs at GSK. In late 2002, GSK decided to re-locate their anti-infective research group to the UK, and Dr. Lonsdale decided to remain in the US He is now available to consult with Sequella on our entire drug discovery program.